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Warframe Synthesize A Simaris Target Riven

WARFRAME Riven Challenge Guide: Synthesize a Simaris Target Without Abilities

How to Successfully Complete the WARFRAME Synthsize Simaris Target Without Abilities Riven Challenge

Step 1: Acquire a Simaris Target

To acquire a Simaris target, you must first activate the Synthesis Scanner by completing the Second Dream quest. Once the scanner is active, you can scan enemies to add them to your Codex. The target you need to synthesize for the riven challenge will be a specific enemy type, which you can determine by checking the challenge's description.

Step 2: Equip a Synthesis Scanner

Next, equip the Synthesis Scanner in your gear slot. You can acquire the Synthesis Scanner blueprint from the Simaris Syndicate in any relay. Once equipped, the scanner will allow you to scan enemies and collect data.

Step 3: Locate the Target Enemy

Using the minimap or the Codex scanner, locate the enemy type that you need to synthesize. Approach the enemy cautiously, as scanning it may alert it to your presence.

Step 4: Scan the Target Without Using Abilities

Once you are close enough to the target enemy, use the Synthesis Scanner to scan it. **Avoid using any abilities or traps during the scanning process.** Instead, get as close as possible to the target and use the scanner's beam to collect data. You will know the scan is complete when the target's outline turns green and a chime sound plays.

Step 5: Complete the Riven Challenge

Once you have successfully scanned the Simaris target without using abilities, the riven challenge will be completed. You can now claim your reward from the Riven mod.

Tips for Completing the Challenge

* Use a stealth frame or mod to approach the target enemy quietly. * Use a silent weapon to avoid alerting the target during the scan. * Find a secluded area where you can scan the target without interruption. * Practice scanning enemies in the Simulacrum before attempting the challenge in live missions.
